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Jnr Pamper Parties

The Junior Pamper Party

Due to popular demand we are delighted to present the Junior Pamper Party for ages 4-7yrs.  For smaller attention spans we divide the party in two, half pampering, half partying. We offer satin robes for the kiddies while they get their nails done at our pamper table.  They can enjoy a little massage on  our massage seat while singing away with our P.A system.  They also enjoy some glittery body art before we start our lively selection of fun & games with dancing and lots of extra props.. We supply party dress up too!


Jnr Option 1:   All of the above for 15 kiddies  1.5 hours. 1 entertainer 195 euro. Chocolate & Drinks Fountain can be added for 65 euro.

Jnr Option 2: All of the above for  25 + kids (full class) with 2 entertainers, a chocolate fountain with mallows and our light up drinks fountain. 1 hour 45 min . 2 entertainers . 325 euro.



**This party is age appropriate so we do not offer the facial making, cucumber eye treat or foot spas but the fun & games work perfectly for this age group .  

jnr pamper  princess
jnr pamper karaoke
Jnr Pamper body art
Jnr Pamper dress up
jnr pamper.jpg
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